principal news stories | feature stories | encounters
words n’ verse | editorials & commentary
Subject Index to MadAminA!
It was in 1980 that Music Associates of America put out its first issue of MadAminA! Our aim was to bring items of musical interest before a far-flung readership throughout this large country. Each issue has contained a news and chronicle section, an Encounter interview, editorial, and feature stories, and the journal has gone to colleges, universities, conservatories, music libraries, orchestras, opera and dance companies, concert managers, administrators, music publishers, dealers and distributors of music, radio stations and record companies.
Since we continue to field questions about the periodical’s name, we reiterate our explanation that it is not only an acronym on the publisher’s name and principal functions, advertising and administration; it is also a new use of a word which, to the best of our knowledge, occurs only once in the entire canon of Italian literature. “Madamina,” as any good Mozartian will know, is the opening word of Leporello’s set piece in Don Giovanni known as “the catalogue aria.” Our own MadAminA! [pronounced mah-dah-MEAN-ah], in fact, bears the descriptive subtitle “a chronicle of musical catalogues” because the opening pages of every issue constitute a chronicle of musical happenings from the catalogues of a variety of composers and publishers.
Below are links to an index by subject of material found in MadAminA!; click a link to see a listing of the available articles. We have included principal news stories but have omitted the many short chronicle notices that are found in every issue. Guest authors’ names appear in bold type.
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